Cumming Mold Testing Contract

Please read and enter the required information to authorize your mold test. After you have submitted the contract, you will receive a copy of the contract in your email. Please contact us at 770-381-9637 if you have any problems with this form or if you have any questions. 

Type your full legal name in the box above

Enter house number, street, city and zip code above

Enter the date your mold test will be performed

Enter the agreed upon fee above

Mold Inspection

In consideration of the payment of the survey fee set forth below, Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. agrees to conduct an evaluation of the structure, which will include inspection for the occurrence of conditions that have or may contribute to conditions that can compromise the quality of the interior living environment. These conditions include but are not limited to: plumbing leaks, leaks in basements or crawlspaces, roof leaks, exterior cladding defects which include improper flashing or sealant details. The survey and report are performed and prepared for the sole, confidential and exclusive use and possession of the customer.

It is understood and agreed that this survey will be of readily accessible exterior and interior areas of the structure and is limited to visual observations of apparent conditions existing at the time of the survey only. Latent and concealed defects and deficiencies are excluded from the survey.

The survey will be performed using the most current guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Indoor Air Quality Association as well as their recommendations for remediation. Moisture readings are relative in nature and are used only to map or indicate areas of moisture entry or concentration at the time of the survey.

The survey and report are not a home inspection, do not address and are not intended to address the possible presence of termites or any other wood boring organism.

The parties agree that Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. and its employees and agents assume no liability or responsibility for the cost of repairing or replacing any unreported defects or deficiencies, either current or arising in the future, or for any property damage, consequential damage or bodily injury of any nature. The survey and report are not intended to be used as a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the adequacy, performance of condition of any survey structure, item or system.

It is understood and agreed that should Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. or any of its agents or employees be found liable for any loss or damage resulting from a failure to perform any of the obligations of Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. including, but not limited to, negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, the liability of Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. or its agents or employees shall be limited to the amount of the inspection fee paid by the customer to Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc.

The customer hereby authorizes Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. to perform invasive or destructive testing of the interior or exterior walls (if needed) in order to more accurately determine the presence of excessive moisture, fungal, or bacterial organisms in the wall system. Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. will only conduct such tests at points where problems are suspected. Customer will not hold Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. responsible for the appearance or function of repaired areas invasively tested and further shall not hold Duffy Home Inspection Service, Inc. liable for damage or discoloration to any portion of the property resulting from such testing.

This agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties. No change or modification shall be enforceable against any party unless such change or modification is in writing and signed by both parties. This agreement shall inure to the benefit only of the parties signing this agreement, and shall not inure to the benefit of any successor or assign of either party. Acceptance and understanding of this agreement are hereby acknowledged.

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Call 770-381-9637 to schedule your home inspection services
Duffy Home Inspection services Inc. provides home inspections in Cumming, Duluth, Suwanee, Lawrenceville, Dacula and surrounding cities in Georgia. We are a one-stop-shop performing radon tests, mold tests, thermal imaging, indoor air quality testing, and stucco inspections with your home inspection or as a stand alone inspection.