The Duluth home inspector discovered that the window sill at the exterior kitchen window had wood rot and decay observed a routing home inspection on a Duluth, GA. Notice the screw driver has sunk into the wood sill. The window sill looked like it had just been painted so it looked good to me, but to the trained eyes of the Duluth home inspector, it was a red flag. The home inspector explained to me that when he sees that a home has a fresh coat of paint, his home inspection radar starts to ping. He said he has performed many home inspections in Duluth and many times the seller tries to hide defects with paint, but when he sees the fresh paint he makes sure to take a closer look, and for wood products, he uses a probe to check for wood rot.
The issue here is that the wood rot needs to be repaired, but there needs to be an inspection of the interior wall, either with a thermal imaging camera or by cutting into the wall to see if there is any mold or damage. This is a great example of how one issue identified during a home inspection can lead to identifying other issues. This Duluth home inspector was on his toes and provided a great service to his client.

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