There is visible mold observed on the drywall in the garage during a Cumming mold inspection. The mold inspector found the mold and performed a mold test that confirmed this was a common mold and should be removed from the garage. The Cumming mold inspector explained that mold spores are around us all the time, but they are not active. He went on to say that moisture is what activates the mold to grow and release more spores which can lead to more mold issues and health issues. The issue here is that this wall is wicking water from the exterior of the garage, so this area is chronically wet, which promotes the mold growth. The mold inspector explained that the fix is to get rid of the mold, and stop the cause of the mold, which is the moisture.
Mold inspections in Cumming Georgia can be ordered during a home inspection, or as a stand alone service. Performing a mold test during a home inspection is a good idea because it give you a more clear picture of the condition of the home.

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